7/5/05 8:28 AM
Abhishek is so hot! Yes, can't imagine any one else lip-syncing the "shik doom" song. Ahh! As Paro says, amazing lips, lip smacking well, nahh, delicious! Ha ha! But so sad that she doesn't dream of him, good, actually very good, I guess I have the monopoly here. Ahh! Why am I writing about Mr. AB, well Sarkar his latest flick is winning rave reviews, and well more the better. And I got to watch it, Ram gopal Varma and AB Sr and Jr together, add a dash of K.k. and we are already rocking!
Can't imagine how cool that is going to be. Inspite all the moroseness over lost friends and lovers, ehh? Lovers, no not really, that's a zilch when it comes to D. how can a straight guy possibly get through 2 years with me, yep, me, and well still remain straight! Hee hee! That was a joke! Point, is yesterday, I raised a decent enough doubt against MR. D's sexual orientation, his excessiveness fondness towards Mr. K and well the lot actually. And no girlfriends, yes he was a fan of Ms. Dixit but well no one said you couldn't like a chick jus coz you are gay! Hee hee! I am soooo bad!
A good enough doubt, after all 2 years is a fairly long time. I think this sometimes, honestly, am I not bored of him; after all he was not really my "lover". Hey, I guess I was. Anyway, I think that must be the reason, I don't tell anyone anything, what if I spilled the "desire" beans. Well that is a little secret and shall we keep one? But my blog is supposed to be the one place I am honest about myself. So, here goes nothing. Well, liked D, liked him a lot, may be I mistook my DESIRE for him as love. Are they the same, difficult question? Dhoom has a rocking score; I think Dus is going to rock too.
Just a thought AB's one word movies are rocking for him, any thing in that observation.
Now for some facts and nor fiction! Yesterday, I was going for a nice drive with Rick, of course my boss was as usual irritating. Now Rick and his driving, has been the topic of discussion, with my friends, obviously. People do not realize the confusion, the happiness and all the other mixed emotions when one is faced with ones mirror image, only in the other gender. Well, I think if I ever ventured to actually drive a car I would be just like him, or more like so it is ok to be like what I think I would, cause here is an example of a very good driver. Love speed, and of course there is "need for speed" and well as they say, fast guys are cool. Now here is a person you would have been really cool with as a friend, and it would be so cool to have friend like him. Not that my other friends aren't cool, they are ,only thing none of them are here, why?
The remix version of shik doom is quite disgusting.
Ok enough of Rick! Actually one more thought, clarification, he does not have a CD player as one assumed, that's so sad, but I guess a 3- CD changer would look better in a Sedan than a small car.
Now a lil on dreams, Ahh! When will I have a car and drive around, Ish says she won't go to office in the car, she is so late half the days, how will she drive and brush her hair, I don't have to worry about that. But I guess I too wouldn't really want to drive out in the morning. But if I don't go to office what's the use of a car? To go out on weekends, Ahh remember, very important note, don't join a company with 6-day workweek. Sat and sun have to be off.
As Ish says got to get in a company that pays lots and gives a lot of time to spend it. Ahh the line of EMI's. Hee hee!
Car, cell, PC, etc etc.. And the trappings.
But I guess Ish is right, no use flaunting dad's car, after all the senior whom Sipu saw was driving his dad's car, that's rather cheap. After all you need not drive in your dad's car, or use anything of his money when you're earning. But Garfy is facing the music with his dad's car at office, makes sense to travel in a pool car, of course one has to see that I gave him that warning a long time ago. It should have occurred to him on his own. But men are so dumb!!
As far as Rick is concerned he is in the worst possible scenario, dad in the same co, high post, driving in the same car, terrible!! I cannot imagine! No wonder Sid and all hate him. I can't imagine how he doesn't see it; I guess that's what happens to nice people. Like Rahul na?! But I am too much of a cynic not to take in any niceness from any one with a pinch of salt.
Guess it is worse coming from a classmate; after all he is Rick's classmate. Looking at him talking with Rick and then saying those horrible things after he leaves, makes me see the point God made with Sam, she was not a true friend, she was jealous, something I can't perhaps imagine, that is my failing! Hardly the proper attitude of a cynic, no wonder she hated me, after all Sid is so jealous of him, even Supriyo, stupid guy, but I can't but feel sad for him, poor creature, has such a stupid family, miserable, he must be! Has to be after such shocks, but one feels sad, yet is that the excuse to be nasty! See people are always jealous of Librans cause of their charm and friendly behavior, I think every body suspects us Librans of some sinister planning when there is none.
See, you got to live with the envy of people for the rest of your life, and so you better learn, of course I would never leave the place like Rick is doing, guess he has other stuff on his mind, if I was here, I would have rubbed there smug lil faces on the carpet, and what with my own dad an ED, I would screwed their careers very nicely! But I guess I have a mean streak.
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