well have been busy for a while and unable to post anything. creative block or lack of time, whatever be the xcuse, now i thought i shud write soemthing. i am hoping that by the end of saturtday i will wrap up stuff with thisa project and then only come in for the writeup part of it.
let us hope i am again not detained.
a lil update on D, spoke to him but i feel too much distance now, we exchange forwarded messges and an e-card once a while but that's it. all of it lacks the warmth it once had.
Ricky, has gone for a course which is sad coz i missed out on his advice lately, but he is coming back tomorrow and that is absolutely cute. he was sweet to call. that was rather nice!
also he has one complaint abt the blog, why i spoke abt the mobile bill cheating, but no hard feelings i just thought it was a gret way that's all. and good thing to share.
ok a lil on my plans, may go to Goa in puja with Tan, else, stuck here, my b'day is during the festival.
another bad news D isn't cmin dwn inpuja his parents aare visiting him, dumb!
but i cant help it.
so i guess ashtami is going to be without him, anmd well nw that i an sam aren't frnds any more there is nt much to do on saptami.
new entry!
saptarshi ghosh.
thik thak hai dekhna parega.
abhishek ray, my alma mater jr. too political, i guess!!
for my taste atleast...
no more no less, two in row, ahh!
now shall we paly?!
still no Dus and Sarkar..
one good thing a visit to the saloon, and it's nt that bad, guess, Ish has taste!
lotsa stuff later!!
ps: Ricky copmplains why no posts so here is one!!
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