Thursday, December 23, 2004


my friend debjit just did a blunder he gave a task on the rpinter without chking the print preview, and wallah!!! 46 pages of print of only names and designation not needed by us at all. he has just put the whole bunch of prints into his bag. he seems to be making a steady progress to getting a graduate degree in blunders, and i in blunder management, although mine would be a PHD.


of all the things i hate, what i hate most is to change my plans. here i was planning to go and visit my granny and stay tonite with her and go for my convocation tomorrow early morn, now this stupid company has a christmas party. how the hell am i supposed to get out of that and reach early?
they say when things go wrong, they do so together. boring party, boring people, i know nobody, this is ridiculous. absolutely insane.
dad is jus becoming old, no sense of humour, no than any would have helped. why did he react like that to the news? silly! after all i can go alone, i don't think it would too much of trouble i will go to the party and then go to granny. i have to do what i have to do. if one has to be a manager one must always be flexible.
yes, so i will inform dad, bid my time at the party when bored or as suits the situation, then leave and find some mode of transport. oh! for heaven sake don't be a scared cat, if Pablo can go back at 9.30 at night so can you.
oh! i have to ask dad to inform granny, if i take dinner at the party. ahhh!!! well, well, well!! not that bad ehhh??
by the way the company is cheap they are spending 75000/- on this stupid party and still no stipend. ridiculous, really!!

good morning

hello! so how was the night? rocking??
mine was boring yet, here i am back at this place working. i must say today is special ... in true american style we will have a christmas party. yippee! we r invited to this, no pay but you get to party.
also the middle aged morons are dressed in berger paints colors... yep you can't imagine .. red, orage, shocking green, turqouise.. ughhh!!
who buys these colors and keeps them in the wardrobe???
man, disgusting. tomorrows, convocation at my old university. will be there in a sarree at 8 in the morn imagine my plight!!
what one has to do to get a certificate that one is a graduate.... life sucks

Wednesday, December 22, 2004


back again to say, i am officially screwed. i am not getting payed for this job. how absolutely irritating. i wonder if they can buy a software for 10 lakh, they can't pay me? amazing. the dot com bebble no doubt burst. each one them is no better than a shylock, who screamed, "my ducats, my ducats.." instead of my daughter.
working my ass, eyes, hands and brains off here and all i get in return is lunch and a security pass, oh i forgot, free coke and coffee.... yippe! that's is the best you can get. fantastic.
who am i kidding man, here i was dreaming of a couple of thous and i get a kick on my hind side for dozing. bloody hell!!
i should have asked about the damn money before soaking my hand into this piss pool.
i am so f@#$ed!!!


I am priyanka.

So, you must think what is that supposed to tell me. Well nothing really. That's my name. I am not new at blogging. But yes new at Blogspot. I do like the setup here.

About me..
Nothing much. I'm doing my post graduate studies in Business Management. At present I'm working with a Softaware solutions firm, helping them implement an HRIS. For the uninitiated that means (Human Resource Information System).

Interestingly I used to look upon blogging as way to vent my creativity but this new blog shall be different. Nothing creative just what I feel like typing in.
I am going to be in this company for sometime and when I get bored I will write in.

By the way today is the third day at work and I must confess I am already bored with corporate life. Wonder how people work? I was sad this morning, my friend came to town and I can't meet him as he has to stay with his family. Indians somehow still Cannot seem to get out of the family mode. It is frankly quite irritating at times.
He stays in a hostel and one vacation he comes down, his mom and granny are asking him to stay put. No friends, as if we don't have any right over his life and time. Its kinda silly, this way neither is he happy nor are we. I mean what do his family hope to achieve. Strangely enough he loves his family and used to spend a lot of quality time with them. But this pressure on him I feel is uncalled for and may result in only alienating him.
But I may be thinking too much. I do that often.