Monday, June 13, 2005

of life.....

Let me explain you about how things work in
everyone's life, it's just a small thing: Each
individual is like a light ray (u know abt sun?). But
in order for a light ray to appear white, it combines
in different colours and mixes it to make a light ray
appear white. It's the same thing with us, human
beings. It's a mixture of all these things which make
our life. Our life is filled with all the different
colours like joy, happiness, sadness, excitement,
pain, pleasures and the 'n' number of things. And all
these are imbibed into our life and make us a human

Now, it all depends upon the individual reflections,
how one receives things, (the way, after reflecting a
surface, a particular colour appear dominant like the
blue sky or the sun at dawn and dusk, its all due to
diffraction, refraction, reflection and kind of stuff
which takes time to explain but which isnt necessary
right now). Some like some particular things, some
look for something else and this story goes on without
an end.

It's the same thing which all the people here who are
all from different backgrounds. Youth is only a part
of life which you want to enjoy and jokes and all the
fun is also a part of life which you want to make your
life. Well, it doesn't suite enough.

am just an individual trying to make a
difference. (LEAD BY EXAMPLE) It's all the difference
we can create in someone's life. How we perceive
things literally, in reality.

Jokes are only a part of life and life isn't a joke.
So take life seriously. Think about what you are doing
and what you want to do. Rather than trying to look
for things go in search for them, atleast start your

About my being philosophical, well it all depends upon
the individual's perception. HOw you take things into

Open your eyes and look at the world. Don't follow the
herd, they are all blind (what is the truth you can
only know when you look at it).

So take things seriously. Laugh when you have to
laugh. Cry when you have to cry. Eat when you have to

what am i writing? again i don't know most of the times i have no idea why i write things. but i am shocked and apalled by life and love especially why do we hurt people that we love? i cannot imagine why? i cannot face this life and everytime i feel i have seen the worst, the mosterous face shows a new horror and i cannot beleive that this also is a face of life. worse that of love.
does life imitate art or the other way? all the stories of unfulfileld love, are tehy then true? after the perfect love why is there not the perfect marriage?? why why why? and teh questions crowd my mind and make it harder for me to think. i don't knwo why i write this, as i steal a gaze to my left i feel pain and only pain and amidst that a laughter ringing across the enclosed walls of the unfortunate thing called heart. a heart empty of all things that should be there, stripped bare of things un-understood yet asked for, desired and not found, or found and lost as the string slips away from my had and the kite is lost in the dark cloudy sky.

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